Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog #2

              Writing is hard for me. I don’t like writing papers. My grammar sucks. Sometimes I don’t know what to say in my papers. It is especially hard for me to figure out what the author is saying and write a review.  But I will continue to try to improve on my writing skills and grammar.
                Writing the in class essay was hard for me because I did not know what to say. The topic was hard to write about. It was hard to try to persuade your audience to take a computer class. Persuading is one of my weaknesses. I don’t think that essay was one of my best essays. I hoping that reading the “They say I say” textbook, with some great tips in the book will help me write a better paper. If I had to redo this assignment I would have. I would brainstorm better and organize my paper better. Then I would try to use some of tips in your textbook to write the essay. Then try to fix my grammar errors. And hopefully it would turn out a better paper.
                If I know the topic really well, I am usually good at writing the paper. I like to write creative writing instead of a research paper or persuasive paper. But I don’t like writing poems. But writing is not one of my hobbies. I would rather read a book or play on the computer.
                I hoping this class will continue to help me improve on my writing skills so I can become a better writer.

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