Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog #3

I don’t like group projects, but I was glad my mom was in the class because we could be partners. Our teacher said we could of have two to four people in a group. My mom and I knew already we were going to worked together. We really did not want anybody else in our group because we have a busy schedule and it would of be hard to coordinate with someone else schedule. Then we would probably get stuck doing it by ourselves anyway.
We had a hard time picking one of the articles to read because we had no interest in them. We finally just picked the article, “What You Eat is Your Business.” We both found out after reading this article that it was very short. We were concerned that we would not be able to write two pages on this article. The article was a good article even though I had no interest in it. It would have been cool if the group of articles to read from had different topic instead of all the same topic.
My mom did the outline and wrote the paper. I did the work cited page and made sure the sources were correctly cited within the paper. I was glad my mom said, “The paper was easy enough to get two pages worth.” I also read the paper and I thought she did a good job. I would have like to help her write the paper, but I had to work. We made the mistake of writing it last minute. Which we agreed next time we would work on sooner. And hopefully worked on it together!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog #2

              Writing is hard for me. I don’t like writing papers. My grammar sucks. Sometimes I don’t know what to say in my papers. It is especially hard for me to figure out what the author is saying and write a review.  But I will continue to try to improve on my writing skills and grammar.
                Writing the in class essay was hard for me because I did not know what to say. The topic was hard to write about. It was hard to try to persuade your audience to take a computer class. Persuading is one of my weaknesses. I don’t think that essay was one of my best essays. I hoping that reading the “They say I say” textbook, with some great tips in the book will help me write a better paper. If I had to redo this assignment I would have. I would brainstorm better and organize my paper better. Then I would try to use some of tips in your textbook to write the essay. Then try to fix my grammar errors. And hopefully it would turn out a better paper.
                If I know the topic really well, I am usually good at writing the paper. I like to write creative writing instead of a research paper or persuasive paper. But I don’t like writing poems. But writing is not one of my hobbies. I would rather read a book or play on the computer.
                I hoping this class will continue to help me improve on my writing skills so I can become a better writer.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog #1

When reading this book, I realized I definitely did not learn this in high school. I was always taught to play it safe and the five paragraph essay is always the way to go.  I also learned that you can use “I” but don’t over to do it. But most high school teachers want you to stay away from using “I”. I have learned in college that the five paragraph essay is “training wheels writing” and is boring. It is also ok to use “I”. This part of the book has taught me to not play it safe and to include what the author is saying.
The page on 17 about the verbs will be very helpful too. I can use for this English class. Also the other templates in this part of readings will help me write my papers. I also liked how this book teaches you how your sentences should connected together and using transitions are a very helpful tool to use in your paper. This will be hard for me, but this semester I want to work on this.
This books also teaches me how to answer those questions “so what” or “who cares”.  Also, using questions when writing your papers to engage your readers by what you are trying to say and so they can understand it.
 The one word that is new to me is the word metacommentary.  The word metacommentary means saying something in your own interpretation.  I have never heard this term before.
I think the challenge for me will be using what I want to say and combining the author information together. Also writing quotes and explaining them are hard for me.